Often images you find through Google Image search will not have things like the Author or Date. Sometimes you'll have to go to multiple sites to find the information you need. Here are some examples of citing images that do not have this information.
MLA Example:
If an image is untitled, create a brief, descriptive title. Do not italicize this title or place it in quotes, and capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns.
Use N.p. if no publisher
Use n.d. if no date of publication
If there is no author, then begin with the description of the image.
Author's last name, First. Brief description of untitled image. Date of Work. Title of webpage, website publisher. Medium [Web]. Date accessed.
Child Labor in China. n.d., N.p. thomasvan.com. Web. 21 April, 2015.
APA Example:
(No Author)
Title of work [Type of work]. (Year image was created). Retrieved from URL (address of web site)
(No Author, No Title, No Date)
[Subject and type of work]. Retrieved from URL (address of web site)
[Child labor in China]. Retrieved from http://www.thomasvan.com/wp-content/files/child-labour.jpg
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