LongformArticles about journalism and the best in longform writing.
Longform – the PodcastInterviews with journalists about their writing and research/reporting process and coverage of major stories written by the guests.
Columbia Journalism Review – Second ReadNew podcast/website (I'M not sure yet) focuses on importance of local reporting and small city papers as the “eyes” on local government for the public.
Reveal – Center for Investigative Reporting"Founded in 1977 as the nation’s first nonprofit investigative journalism organization. CIR is nationally respected for setting the highest journalistic standards, and for a signature approach to investigative reporting and collaboration. CIR partners with numerous other media organizations, prioritize impact over exclusivity, engage with the public and track results. “
Student Press Law Center“The Student Press Law Center works at the intersection of law, journalism and education to promote, support and defend the rights of student journalists and their advisers at the high school and college levels.
The nonprofit, nonpartisan SPLC provides information, training and legal assistance at no charge to student journalists and the educators who work with them. Founded in 1974, the SPLC is a small and scrappy outfit based in Washington, D.C. with an outsized impact across the country.”