Films on Demand is a growing collection comprised of independent, documentary, and broadcast films from a variety of producers and networks. Below are a few films from this collection.
JustWatchHow JustWatch works
We provide a platform that allows you to check where a certain movie or tv show is available to legally watch online. We aggregate millions of offers from different VOD providers and cinemas to show you easily where best to watch the content you love.
We use some of your usage data on our platform to understand what kind of individual movie and/or tv show taste you have. For example, our algorithm looks at what kind of movies you have searched for on JustWatch or which actors you clicked.
We use our understanding of your movie/tv show taste to recommend new movies to you that will likely fit your taste. To do this, we show ads (mostly movie trailers) to you on partner sites such as YouTube or Facebook.
Yidioidio is an online video guide that allows you to easily search & discover over 1 million TV Shows and Movies across hundreds of premium free and paid content services like Netflix, Hulu & Amazon all in one place.