1. Define your research question.
What are the causes of addiction to smoking among teenagers?
2. Identify the main keywords.
3. Pick synonyms for each keyword.
Keyword 1 Keyword 2 Keyword 3
adolescents substance abuse tobacco
young adults dependency cigarettes
teenagers addiction smoking
(teen* or adolescen* or "young adult*") AND (smok* or cigarette* or tobacco or vap* or E-cigarrette*)
pregnan* AND "drug abuse"
"doping in sports" AND steroids
marijuana AND (law or legislation or "drug legalization" or "narcotic law*")
addiction AND biolog* AND (cause* or etiolog*)
addict* AND (treatment* or therap*)
(substance abuse" and addict*) AND treatment* AND (recover* or recidiv*)
Opioid* AND community AND respon* AND treatment*