Click the link for Academic Search Complete
Note: If you have not logged into the portal, it will prompt you to enter your portal ID: user name and password
Click on to search multiple online databases
Select Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Click OK
Try a broad search first such as:
After you have clicked Search, to narrow your results click the box for "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals"
Try a search of your own with the topic for your Interest Report.
Once you have found an article that interests you, you can click on the title to get more information.
For example:
When you are on this page, also take note that the Peer Reviewed field states "yes," and if you continue to scroll down you can see that the Publication Type is "Journal Articles; Reports - Research." Other credible publication types include "Academic Journal."
From here you can also click on to read the article, or
to email it to yourself.
It is highly recommended that you email the article to yourself so that you can find it again later
You can also get a computer generated citation included in the email by selecting
WARNING: because this is computer generated you may need to edit it to fit the format required by your instructor
You may need to use in order to get the "doi"
Click on at the top left of the page to get back to the list of articles