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Meals, Food, Assistance
2-1-1 Nor Cal
Provides assistance for finding resources:
Brown Bag Food Programs
Farmers Markets
Food Pantries
Food Vouchers
Formula/Baby Food
Pet Food
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Free Meals
CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps)
CalFresh (formerly Food Stamps), also known as SNAP, is a federal nutrition program that helps people with low or no income purchase healthy food.
Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)
Shasta College food services meal cards are available for CARE students attending classes on the main campus. Alternatives available for Tehama, Trinity and Burney students.
Emergency Food Banks & Assistance Programs
USDA Commodities .
Emergency food.
Food, Financial Help and Housing
Living on a limited budget can sometimes mean juggling food, rent, utility and transportation expenses. We have several programs to help families put food on the table and pay for basic living expenses during tough times.
Good News Rescue Mission
3100 South Market St. Redding 241-5754. Everyone is welcome for meals whether they stay overnight or not. Anyone in need of a meal is welcome to join us in the dining hall for 6:30 a.m. Breakfast, 12 p.m. Lunch (Sunday 1 p.m.), 5:15 p.m. Dinner.
The Salvation Army - Compassion Food Ministry
Closed Tues & Fri.
2691 Larkspur Redding 222-2207 Food: Mon, Wed & Thurs. 9 -11:30
Monthly food for seniors & families with kids. Weekly perishables for anyone.
Student Senate Campus Food Pantry
The Shasta Knights Food Pantry is operated by The Hub in room 2308 and open to all Shasta College students. Students can access the food pantry once every 7 days and hygiene kits once every 30 days. Walk-ins are welcome.
Food Pantry's are accessible at extended education sites. Want to learn more? For more information, contact us at: (530) 242-7626 or via email at We’re located in Building 2300, Rm 2308 and are open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Surplus Food Distribution
Provides food (such as rice, oats, beans, and donated produce) two days per month for families and individuals with low income (regardless of age). May be used once per month: 1st or 3rd Friday of the month, 8-9am.
Tehama County Food and Meal Providers
Tehama County food banks and pantries.