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Aha! Parenting
You know what an Aha! Moment is, right?
With our child, it’s that lightning flash of insight, when suddenly we see things from another perspective, and everything has the potential to be different. This website has Aha! moments for parents of every age child, from pregnancy right through the teen years. Dr. Laura Markham
Conscious Discipline
Becky Bailey, PhD. Trauma Informed Social and Emotional Learning
Love and Logic
Love and Logic is a research-driven, whole-child philosophy founded in 1977 by Jim Fay and Foster W. Cline, M.D. It is the approach of choice among leading educators, parents, and other professionals worldwide.
Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)
Triple P is a parenting program, but it does not tell you how to be a parent. It is more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It is all about making Triple P work for you.