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ECE Early Childhood Education

Find Articles in these Online Databases

Recommended Journals at the Library

Journal Title Location
Young Children Shasta College, Print, most recent 5 years
Child Development EBSCO Academic Search Complete, 1930 to 1 year ago
Infant Mental Health Journal EBSCO Academic Search Complete, 1985 to 1 year ago


Step by Step directions to find peer reviewed articles in the library



Search Commands




to truncate words at their roots or stems

autis* = autism, autistic

child* = child, child's, children, etc.

preschool* = preschool, preschools, preschoolers

“  “

quotation marks

to enclose a phrase or name

"pervasive development disorder"



to connect related terms

autis* OR "pervasive development disorder"



to combine multiple facets

(autis* OR "pervasive development disorder") AND child* AND preschool*


If we wanted to find about children with autism in preschool our search could be:

(autis* OR "pervasive development disorder") AND child* AND preschool*

In the database search box it would look something like this: searching with boolean

Another example could be:

(attach* OR bond* OR separat*) and (infan* OR toddler*) and anxiety

Remember you may not get the perfect search the first time, and often synonyms and other words to narrow your topic can be discovered through trying a general search first. Try it yourself!


APA article citation example

Kaale, A., Smith, L., & Sponheim, E. (2012). A randomized controlled trial of preschool-based joint attention intervention for children with autism. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 53(1), 97-105.

Please see the APA tab for more on APA citations!