The titles displayed here are just a fraction of what you have access to through the Library. Look at our wide selection of books and eBooks on legal topics by searching the online catalog using words and phrases such as law and legislation, litigation and trials.
If you are looking for books that cover the legal aspect of a topic, combine one of the "legal" words/phrases with words describing your topic (and using the word AND in between!). For example: water and law and legislation ; assisted suicide and law and legislation.
The collection of titles on this page (in the "Books on the Shelves" and "eBooks" boxes) were all the results of a catalog search for: California and law.
Want to browse the shelves? Books with a strong legal component have call numbers that start with the letter K. Books that primarily cover California law will have call numbers that fall in KFC1-1199.
Remember: books that are on the legal aspect of an issue (e.g. water rights) could be shelved either with law books or with other books on the topic, so don't just limit your browsing to the K's!