Shasta, Tehama and Trinity Counties
The Shasta County Law Library is located in the Courthouse (basement level) at 1500 Court St., Redding. (530) 245-6243
The Tehama County Law Library is located at 545 Diamond Ave., Red Bluff. (530) 529-4583 ex 108
The Trinity County Law Library is located in the Courthouse at 101 Court St., Weaverville. (530) 623-5641
Other Nearby Counties
Butte County Public Law Library
1675 Montgomery St., Oroville. (530) 538-7122
Sacramento County Public Law Library:
609 9th St. Sacramento. (906) 874-6011
Siskiyou County Public Law Library
311 4th St., Yreka. (530) 842-8390